Thursday, January 20, 2011

I've been awarded a Stylish Blogger Award!

The lovely Renee from You Nailed It
and also sweet Jocy from Lacquer Obsession 
have awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award!

So the rules for this award are:
Thank and link the person who gave you the award.
Write 7 random facts about you.
Give this award to 15 other Bloggers and notify them about it!

Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting LOL

# 1 - I'm completely obsessed with Vampires. 
WAY BEFORE anyone ever knew what the hell Twilight was.

# 2 - I'm obsessed with Twilight LOL
But in my defense, I love Twilight because of the love story behind it, 
NOT cause of the vampires.
Because let's face it, 
even the biggest Twilighters can say, 
Stephenie Meyer's vampires are pretty lame.
Sorry Edward, you know I still love you.

#3 - I'm a romance book junkie. 
When I've got the time, I'll go through a book a day
& mostly every romance book I've read,
has pertained so some sort of supernatural, 
whether it be vampires, 
or Gods & Goddesses, you name it.
If you'd like recommendations, I've got plenty.

#4 - My YouTube channel, it's content and 
popular following was a complete fluke.
I wanted to show a GF of mine the Twilight design 
that I was planning on wearing for the premiere, 
posted it on YT, and the next thing I knew, I had subscribers. 
I was already doing my nails so why not share it with everyone?
So I just continued with the tutorials and 
I've been loving every moment since.

#5 - I've been doing nail tutorials for about 1 1/2 yrs. 
but I've actually been creating my own looks and designs for 
probably close to 20 years.

#6 - I'm a MASSIVE horror buff. 
If it's scary, creepy or gross, I'll watch it

# 7 - When I was in middle school, I begged, 
and pleaded with my mother for AGES
if I could legally change my last name to match hers.
Needless to say, my father wasn't thrilled with my idea.
My mother's last name is Sinatra, need I say more?

Ok, let's see my 15 Bloggers are
(Do I really need to tell you why? If you don't follow Scrangie, then you aren't a true polish lover) 

( Because she is the queen of marbling, seriously, no one does it better than her)

( Because she is really up to date when it comes to swatching new collections)

( Because ANY info you want & need on drug store goodies, she has got)

(Because she does some of THE most amazing Konad layering I've ever seen!)

( the first nail blogger I ever followed, and I adore her blog still to this day)

(Because not only is one of my besties, she also does some of the finest painting I've ever seen)

( Because she has a variety of designs, including hand work & Konad, and she is just a great all-around blogger)

(Because you don't know the true meaning of nail art, till you see her blog. I worship at your feet Melissa.....ok, that just sounds creepy, but seriously I love her work)

(Because her blog name is an EPIC WIN & I enjoy her challenges)

(Because she not only does some INCREDIBLE  swatching, but she is also funny as hell)

(Because her talent completely blows me away)

(Because you will never look at garage sale stuff the same way again)

(Because she has an amazing archive of polish swatches & always has the latest collections)

(Because I absolutely love her style & she's got some kick-ass Konad looks)

I will most likely NOT get a chance to notify 
all these great bloggers, 
so if you follow them, 
if you are friends with them pass along the great news that 
they've been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award!

  If you don't follow these fantastic bloggers already,
then you are seriously missing out.
You won't regret following ANY of them!
Though maybe your wallet will. hehe

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